S & L Import-Export Ltd

Luqa Malta LQA1530




*   White Wood  (General use)

The white deal which also known as picea abies come in many various thickness

such as 25mm,32mm,38mm,48mm,64mm,74mm,

24mm x 48mm,64mm x 64mm,74mm x 74mm,95mm x 95mm,

48mm x95mm. Lenght mostly in 4mt.

*   Pine Wood (Furniture use)

The Pine Wood also known as pinus sylvestris

come in the same thickness as the White deal.

*   Douglasie Fir

The Douglias Fir  also known as pseudotsuga taxifolia come in 25/38/48/64/74mm

and scantlings 74mm x 74mm,95mm x 95mm.Lenghts 4mt

*   Red Deal 

The Red Deal also known as larix come in 25/32/38/48mm

and scantlings 74mm x 74mm,95mm x 95mm.Lenghts 4mt









Hardwoods     Softwoods